If You Don’t Understand Transformers: see these 3D charts

Positional Encoding

Dot-Product Attention

Additive Attention

Better initialization: T-Fixup

  • Cosas que quitar que ya no hacen falta gracias a usar T-Fixup
    • Learning Rate WarmUp (se puede entrenar con el LR maximo desde el principio)
    • Capas LayerNorm
  • La inicializacíon de los pesos es la siguiente:
    • Gaussian initialization N(0,d^(-1/2)) for input embeddings where d is the embedding dimension.
    • Xavier initialization for the rest of parameters:
      • Scale embedding layer and decode parameters by (9N)^(-1/4)
      • Scale encode parameters by (0.67 * N)^(-1/4)
for n,p in model.named_parameters():
        if re.match(r'.*bias$|.*bn\.weight$|.*norm.*\.weight',n): continue
        gain = 1.
        if re.match(r'.*decoder.*',n): 
            gain = (9*H.trf_dec)**(-1./4.)
            if re.match(f'.*in_proj_weight$',n): gain *= (2**0.5)
        elif re.match(r'.*encoder.*',n): 
            gain = 0.67*(H.trf_enc**(-1./4.))
            if re.match(f'.*in_proj_weight$',n): gain *= (2**0.5)
        if re.match(r'^embeds|^tagembeds', n): 

Theory Reference

Code Refernce