- Weighted averaging
- Bagging
- Boosting
- Stacking
There are a number of ways to validate second level models ( meta-models ). In this reading material you will find a description for the most popular ones. If not specified, we assume that the data does not have a time component. We also assume we already validated and fixed hyperparameters for the f irst level models (models).
A. Simple holdout scheme
- Split train data into 3 parts: partA and partB and partC.
- Fit N diverse models on partA, predict for partB, partC, test_data getting meta-features partB_meta, partC_meta and test_meta respectively.
- Fit a metamodel to a partB_meta while validating its hyperparameters on partC_meta.
- When the metamodel is validated, fit it to [ partB_meta , partC_meta ] and predict for test_meta.
B Meta holdout scheme with OOF meta-features
- Split train data into K folds. Iterate though each fold: retrain N diverse models on all folds except current fold, predict for the current fold. After this step for each object in train_data we will have N meta-features (also known as out-of-fold predictions, OOF ). Let’s call them train_meta.
- Fit models to whole train data and predict for test data . Let’s call these features test_meta.
- Split train_meta into two parts: train_metaA and train_metaB . Fit a meta-model to train_metaA while validating its hyperparameters on train_metaB.
- When the meta-model is validated, fit it to train_meta and predict for test_meta.
C. Meta KFold scheme with OOF meta-features
- Obtain OOF predictions train_meta and test metafeatures test_meta using b.1 and b.2.
- Use KFold scheme on train_meta to validate hyperparameters for meta-model . A common practice to fix seed for this KFold to be the same as seed for KFold used to get OOF predictions .
- When the meta-model is validated, fit it to train_meta and predict for test_meta .
D. Holdout scheme with OOF meta-features
- Split train data into two parts: partA and partB.
- Split partA into K folds. Iterate though each fold: retrain N diverse models on all folds except current fold, predict for the current fold. After this step for each object in partA we will have N meta-features (also known as out-of-fold predictions, OOF ). Let’s call them partA_meta .
- Fit models to whole partA and predict for partB and test_data , g etting partB_meta and test_meta respectively. 4.Fit a meta-model to a partA_meta, using partB_meta to validate its hyperparameters.
- When the meta-model is validated basically do 2. and 3. without dividing train_data into parts and then train a meta-model . That is, first get out-of-fold predictions train_meta for the train_data using models. Then train models on train_data , predict for test_data , getting test_meta . Train meta-model on the train_meta and predict for test_meta .
E. KFold scheme with OOF meta-features
1.To validate the model we basically do d.1 – d.4 but we divide train data into parts partA and partB M times using KFold strategy with M folds.
- When the meta-model is validated do d.5.
Validation in presence of time component
F. KFold scheme in time series
In time-series task we usually have a fixed period of time we are asked to predict. Like day, week, month or arbitrary period with duration of T .
- Split the train data into chunks of duration T . Select first M chunks.
- Fit N diverse models on those M chunks and predict for the chunk M+1 . Then fit those models on first M+1 chunks and predict for chunk M+2 and so on, until you hit the end. After that use all train data to fit models and get predictions for test. Now we will have meta-features for the chunks starting from number M+1 as well as meta-features for the test.
- Now we can use meta-features from first K chunks [ M+1 , M+2 ,.., M+K ] to fit level 2 models and validate them on chunk M+K+1 . Essentially we are back to step 1. with the lesser amount of chunks and meta-features instead of features.
G. KFold scheme in time series with limited amount of data
We may often encounter a situation, where scheme f) is not applicable, especially with limited amount of data. For example, when we have only years 2014, 2015, 2016 in train and we need to predict for a whole year 2017 in test. In such cases scheme c) could be of help, but with one constraint: KFold split should be done with the respect to the time component. For example, in case of data with several years we would treat each year as a fold.
Material adicional
- Kaggle ensembling guide at MLWave.com (overview of approaches)
- StackNet: a computational, scalable and analytical meta modelling framework (by KazAnova)
- Heamy: a set of useful tools for competitive data science (including ensembling)